How Can We Possibly Love Them?!?
How Can We Possibly Love Them?!? Here is a strange reality of human existence. Each tribe has its own version of “them” to place in the question above. How could we possibly love…them? Many of my friends, family, and students in the LGBTQIA+ and...
Wisdom is Vindicated by All Her Children | A Visual Commentary on Luke 7:35
This visual commentary on Luke 7:35 explores what Jesus may have meant when he said “wisdom is vindicated by all her children.” He said this in response to how the crowd was confused and divided over whether Jesus was a man of God or a sinner. In this commentary I also explore our current confusion over the word sin.

Faith and Compassion | A Sermon on Luke 7:1-17 from the Narrative Lectionary
Download PowerPoint This sermon looks at two contrasting stories. The first is the powerful centurion who humbled himself and demonstrated unusual faith. The second is the widow who lost her only son and the compassion that Jesus has on her. These two stories...
Luke 2.1 Video Released! Rejection in Nazareth, Success in Capernaum | Luke 4:14-44
I just added the next video to the Gospel of Luke class. Luke Part 2.1. In Luke 4:14-44 Jesus is rejected in Nazareth, but his ministry launches from Capernaum. https://youtu.be/9W9zeno6ND0 This is page 4 of A Cartoonist’s Guide to Luke Study Luke with Me! at...